QUICK QUESTION: If I were to take a sneak peak at the back end of your business, would I find...
Systems that in no way shape or form support your next level of growth? (Aka: If your client load and online following tripled tomorrow - and the requests for your time and attention along with them - would you be oh i don’t know just a liiiiiitle bit overwhelmed?! Yeah...that’s what I thought ;))
You are doing a million different little tasks each day, MANY of which fall outside of your zone of genius and do not make you money? (Think: scheduling client calls, calling GoDaddy to troubleshoot cause your website is down *again*, and/or following up with different team members to get updates about projects).
*oops* you’re being charged for software you’re no longer using (or don’t need) that you barely remember signing up for/never cancelled?
Zero system for repurposing your content in all the places...instead you’re doing it all manually...and in real time?!
That’s what I thought ;)
Here’s the deal:
Your business energy is busy and scattered rather than clean and tight. In fact, it’s more like a porous sponge that’s letting time/energy/money/client experiences slip through the cracks.
Newsflash: Simple is the new sexy.
Let’s get your systems on point, organization in check (hellooo project management!) and your energy back.
All while we optimize your social media, repurpose your content and make you a visibility queen.
Cool hey?
If you didn't watch the video, here's the basics:
My implementation team and I have magical systems codes that are going to feel like an orgasm to your soul. Did you orgasmically manifest this?
We're going to take your Business Management to a whole other level and help your visions come true by working together in an intimate, high-level, magical capacity.
This is for a very special woman.
You’re attuned to the frequency of 6 figures in your business. You’re already there or you KNOW it’s meant for you and you aren’t willing to settle for anything else. Infact, you are just getting started.
You’re a leader and you won’t settle for anything less than clean, potent energy in your business
You’re a witch and you wear it loud and proud
Most importantly - you’re ready to let some of the fringe energy drowners go so you can focus on what you do best - delivering awesome experiences to your clients, while knowing the back end of your business is HANDLED.
If you are asked if you want to take a holiday and your answer is you can’t because of your business.. You’re in the right place.
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