How to find groups that let you promo

Uncategorized Sep 02, 2018

When I started out, a year ago, you could drop freebies or opts ins in MOST groups.

You could freely promote yourself, and it was easy to add hundreds of people to your Facebook Group or list from a single post. 

Now, groups that allow you to promote are few and far between.

And even though I am someone who usually hates freebies, (unless it's divinely inspired) I am gonna say it..


This is the epitomy of SCARCITY.

God forbid you allow others to make money in YOUR group.

Furthermore, this is so out of integrity because.. that's how they got there. 

How they got to six figures was literally, being in 13532412 Facebook Groups and providing freebie after freebie.

Now, god forbid, if you do that, you are a sleazy asshole. Get off your high horse, coach. 

Now, the whole being in 35139524315 facebook groups strategy, does not feel good to me. 

Because it's too easy to say I can't make sales until I grow my audience, which is bullshit. 

Quality over quantity..

If you make money in my group, I want you to tell me, I'll fucking celebrate you till the cows come home.

NOWW some people are going to say, well, you don't want it to be a spamfest.



Kick the btiches out that post and run the other way.

ALLL of my groups have always been promo friendly and I have never had a spamfest.

Because I am a motherfucking leader and I create other leaders.




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