How to make Sales in the Next Two Hours

Uncategorized Sep 02, 2018

Real talk, I'm writing you with the intention of showing you how to make sales in the next two hours, as this happened to me this weekend and I am dying to pass on the knowledge wealth, kool? 

If you don't like making money, then you can stop reading this now.

Yesterday, I had this inspired AF idea, but honestly, I didn't know if anyone would buy it. #fearbrain

But I felt SO excited about it, I was ready to jump out of my skin. Have you ever felt like that? (That's how you know it's aligned AF btw)

I made a post in my group ASKING if anyone was interested in my product/idea.

Nobody said anything. 

I made it anyway. Because I knew in my heart and soul, I was supposed to have it and that it was going to be massive and I was expressing my creativity. 

Now keep in mind, my group is like 150 people because I blew up my old one of 900 because..#alignment.

So, I created it anyway, a subscription box but for your business ๐Ÿ˜‚ It's called: Nisha's Crazy Bitches

Every week, via E-mail, I would send to my paid subscribers video trainings, stories and quotes to help uplift them, keep them learning, shifting and quantum leaping on their journey. This is exclusive content not available for free.

From that ONE POST. I had sign ups. Within an hour of posting it.

I made a CHECKOUT page. I haven't even made a sales page yet. 

The point of this story is to show you, when you have an inspired AF idea, and you run with it, because you know in your heart and fucking soul it is absolute GOLD, magic happens. 

If you'd just trust yourself and your intuition.

Also, I want to give you a little love note, for being here. Today, I created an E-book, (I know, I know, how do I do it all?!). It's called the High Ticket Bitch E-book. Basically I show you how to sign High Ticket Clients. #nobiggie Download now

Talk soon!

Nisha Hewlett | The Aligned Pretzel



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