Should You Launch During the Holidays? (Spoiler Alert: YES!)

blog launches Oct 02, 2024

So, it's the end of September, and I'm already getting bombarded with questions about holiday launches. It seems everyone's thinking about it, and honestly, I get it! My own life is a whirlwind this time of year – business year-end, my son's first birthday, a conference, Canadian Thanksgiving (the "fake" one, haha!), and then Christmas! It's a domino effect of craziness.

But amidst the chaos, there's opportunity. Many of my clients are itching to launch masterminds and programs, and they're all wondering the same thing: is it even worth it to launch during the holiday season?

The short answer? Absolutely! But it requires a strategic approach.

Here's the thing:

  • Attention spans are shorter than ever. Remember that out-of-office email I sent? People couldn't even read the date correctly! We're all bombarded with information, so your message needs to be clear and concise.
  • People ARE thinking about the holidays. Even in September! This means they're also reflecting on their lives and businesses, and their pain points are amplified. They're primed to make changes and invest in solutions.
  • January is a HUGE month for fresh starts. People are ready to hit the ground running and achieve their goals. If you're launching in January, start promoting NOW.

Here's how to make a holiday launch work for you:

  • Plan ahead. Don't wait until December to scramble and throw something together. Start planning your launch in October or November to give yourself enough time.
  • Extend your launch timeline. People are distracted, so you'll need a longer launch period to capture their attention and build excitement.
  • Go beyond social media. Yes, social media is important, but it's not enough anymore. Utilize email marketing, funnels, Reels, TikTok – diversify your strategy to reach a wider audience.
  • Treat your email list like gold. Nurture your subscribers and build a community. They're your most engaged audience and will be more likely to invest in your offerings.

The bottom line? You can absolutely have a successful launch during the holidays. It just requires careful planning, a multi-faceted approach, and a deep understanding of your audience.

Need help navigating the holiday launch chaos? I'm offering special "Voxer Day" prices on my coaching packages throughout October! Let's chat and create a strategy that gets you the results you desire. You can find me on Instagram, Facebook, or email – let's connect!



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