Does your Biz turn you on?

Uncategorized Sep 20, 2018

Does your biz turn you the fuck on?


Then you are doing it wrong.

When you are deep into that creative mode..

Where you can't stop because it's SO JUICY..

You will literally be TURNED ON BY YOUR WORK.

The act of doing it, whether it's creation of a program or delivery of content, if you are in that deep, purposeful molten chocolate lava part of your soul..

It will make you wet.

It will make you drool.

It will excite you, emotionally, physically, sexually and spiritually.

*my nipples are hard just writing this! Okay, TMI, sorry.

So, how do we get there?

Fall in love with the process, not the destination. 
Fuck all the rules, take what you like and throw the rest in the garbage.
Have an alignment practice that makes you DIE to touch your body - it's that good.
Find pleasure, in everything, all day everyday. 
Does it bring you pleasure? Does it support your freedom lifestyle? No? Then fuck it.

Phew. that felt good. Now you know how much of a sex goddess I really am. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚



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