ARE YOU #oneofus ?
All the swift action, I take it because the thing that I take action on is a drain on my soul -
My 9-5 job
My living situation
My ex-partner
THAT's what makes me ACT in massive AF ways that have people going: you're so crazy, you're so impulsive, can't you settle down blah blah blah.
Those phrases are like nails on the chalk board.
Are the women who can't stay in situations that is sandpaper on our soul
We're here and we are unapoogetic about what we want, and we get it every damn.time.
We're low grade coffee addicts/snobs.. I mean if it isn't craft don't talk to me..
We're FEARLESS - we feel the fear and do it ANYWAY.
We are RELENTLESS in pursuit of our dreams and desires, no matter what it takes, we DO IT AND DAMMIT WE GET WHAT WE SET OUR MIND TO. ALWAYS.
But fuck with our alignment or our soul? We'll cut you so fast.
We make rapid decisions to the outside world (even reckless) but to us it feels like a million years, (actual time 2.5 seconds) and it's always because my soul said to.
We do things like booking flights to Bali on a Friday and leaving on a Monday instead of taking our boyfriends on vacation like we promised.
We leave our jobs before we are ready and with no backup funds because we know success is inveitable.
We throw entire credit cards down, (sometimes multiple) for anything we want. Because we want it now.
Are you one of us?
You want to be don't you?
But it is hard to give yourself permission to be THAT driven.
But you know it is down inside of you..
We are here for you. We will hold your hand, and help you remember who you are at the core.
Voxer Coaching available on a monthly basis + Get into Get Mother Fucking Paid before it closes today.
Are you tired of feeling stuck and not actually moving anywhere in your business?
It's your time. FINALLY.
Message me for details.
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